Monday, July 22, 2013

Racism in the media

Freedom of speech allows people to take liberties with mocking Asian Americans.  Would the examples below be tolerated for other racial groups?

Here are examples of everyday folks with their tweets:

What is the role of the media in modern-day racism?

Sometimes there is a fine line between distasteful and blatant racism.  Check out this Chicago Sun Times headliner:

Racism towards Asians among the media is not limited to this latest incident of the Asiana crash.  The so called “progressive” radio talk show host, Stephanie Miller and her sidekick, Jim Ward, made fun of Asians when they mimicked Kim Jong Il's accent:

Everyone is encouraged to speak out against such behaviors.  Call in to radio stations.  Write op-eds.  Comment on tweets, etc.  Any other suggestions for how to deal with such behaviors?

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Parenting Styles and Shame vs. Guilt

The Asian American Psychological Association listserv occassionally discusses the differences between shame vs. guilt.  One tends to be considered a more Eastern concept while the other is more often associated with the Western world.

Novelist Kim Wong Keltner, author of Tiger Babies Strike Back, talks about the impact of growing up with shame as a primary parenting tool.

While it may not be productive to conclude whether one style of parenting is "good" or "bad," it may be more useful to look at parenting styles as how effective they are in producing the kinds of results that one is hoping for.  What does the literature say about "tiger" parenting?

Take a look for yourself.